Saturday, October 8, 2016

Abstract Steps for Pastel Dream

Just finished a fantastic iPhone Creative Adventures class with Teri Lou Dantzler and a bunch of really talented participants. In response to a request by one of them, I am outlining the steps I took for the abstract I call Pastel Dreams. Here's the process to the best of my recollection:

I started with this photo; it's either a pink painted wall or a texture I had already. I then upped the structure and saturation to the nth degree in Snapseed.

Next I went into Pixite's app Fragment, which added the circular shapes.

Fragment again.

Fragment again.

Fragment another time.

Fragment once more added the triangle in the center.

Next I went into Matter app for the shape at the bottom right.

 Matter again for bottom left shape.

 Lightened in Shift app.

I added bubbles (because they seemed right somehow) in an app called Paint FX.

I added lines at the bottom with Lory Stripes app and the unicorn from Simple app. (This is a free app that has many of the effects in Master FX app which I usually use for my little additions. Only trouble is that it puts the word Simple on it - see bottom right.

So I used TouchRetouch app to remove the word Simple.

Took it back into Fragment - didn't like it. It distorted the outline of the face I saw lower right and just generally messed it up as far as I could see.

Went back to the earlier version and called it a day. It's done when it's done. I titled it "Pastel Dream".

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